My Story
I have been a creative person my whole life. Though traditional art was my focus in school, I dabbled in several forms of design. Alongside creating digital art, sewing, and drawing chalk art murals, I used to rearrange my bedroom almost every month. I would paint accent walls and style new furniture every chance I could get. All despite being legally blind.
I was born with Albinism which causes me to be permanently legally blind and results in my very fair skin and light hair color. Doctors told my parents that I wouldn’t be able to do much of anything but maybe sit and stare at a wall my whole life. Obviously they were wrong. Though my situation resulted in some difficulties in school with reading the board and small print in textbooks, I was always able to do anything my friends and peers were doing. It’s kind of ironic that my talents are in the creative and visual fields but it is also something that makes my story truly unique. Today, driving is really the only thing that I can’t do (thank God for Uber(.
I graduated college with a degree in Psychology and have been using that education in conjunction with my love of creativity to do graphic design but I still felt like I wasn’t quite in the right field of work. I looked back on all of the work I put into making my homes and apartments throughout my adult life and realized how much I truly love designing interior spaces. I would shop for furniture and decor in my spare time. Friends and family would come to me to ask for advice on their spaces as well.
All of this made me decide to start my blog and share my designed spaces and advice with everyone. so, here I am today, continuing my journey with interior design and loving sharing it with all of you!